Electric Vehicle Charging Services
Electrical vehicles are becoming increasingly popular. As the demand for electric vehicles increases so does the need for electric vehicle charging units. If you need a charging unit installed, trust the certified and experienced technicians at Wayfinder Electric.
Wayfinder Electric offers a wide range of electric vehicle charging unit services.
Electric Vehicle Charging Unit Installation
Charging Unit Maintenance
Tesla Installation
Electric Vehicle Charger Maintenance
It is generally recommended that electric vehicle charging units be inspected annually. Regular maintenance to the electric vehicle charger will ensure the device is running at optimal efficiency as well as prevent any damages that could be costly repairs down the road. Electric vehicle charging maintenance will examine the surge protection and electrical panel to guarantee that the electric vehicle charger is running effectively and utilizing the power it needs.
Contact Wayfinder Electric today for electric vehicle charger maintenance and inspection. We will take care of any general wear and tear, unit repairs as well as any other general maintenance that is required for the electric vehicle charger to ensure the unit will be sustainable for years to come.